Dr. Petty's Curriculum Vitae

Damon H. Petty, MD
Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine
2021 Church St., Baptist Medical Plaza II, Suite 610
Nashville, TN 37203
1616 W. Main Street, Suite 300
Lebanon, TN 37087
615-321-0200 (office) 615-443-5488 (fax)
Sports Medicine Fellowship (Accredited)
American Sports Medicine Institute, 2001 - 2001
James R. Andrews, MD & William G. Clancy, MD
American Sports Medicine Institute, 2001 - 2001
James R. Andrews, MD & William G. Clancy, MD
Surgical Internship, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1996-2001
Orthopaedic Residency, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1997 - 2001
Orthopaedic Residency, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1997 - 2001
Vanderbilt University 1984 - 1988
Harvard University 1986 - 1988, B. A. Economics 1988
University of Virginia School of Medicine 1992 - 1996, MD 1996
Harvard University 1986 - 1988, B. A. Economics 1988
University of Virginia School of Medicine 1992 - 1996, MD 1996
● Practice
● Fellowship
● Residency
Sports Medicine Person of the Year 2005, TN Athletic Trainer's Society
Cleveland Clinic Research Award
ASMI Research Award
Cleveland Clinic Research Award
ASMI Research Award
● Medical School
Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honor Society
AOA Officer
Merit Scholarship Recipient (UVa)
Pathology Honor Society
AOA Officer
Merit Scholarship Recipient (UVa)
Pathology Honor Society
● Undergraduate
National Merit Scholar
Dean's List (Vanderbilt)
Cum Laude Graduate (Harvard)
Harvard Academic Scholar
Dean's List (Vanderbilt)
Cum Laude Graduate (Harvard)
Harvard Academic Scholar
USMLE Step 1: 235 (June, 1994)
USMLE Step 2: 231 (August, 1995)
USMLE Step 3: 222 (May, 1991)
Orthopaedic Boards Part I: Pass (July, 2001)
Orthopaedic Boards Part 2: Pass (July, 2004)
USMLE Step 2: 231 (August, 1995)
USMLE Step 3: 222 (May, 1991)
Orthopaedic Boards Part I: Pass (July, 2001)
Orthopaedic Boards Part 2: Pass (July, 2004)
Auburn Tigers 2001-2002, Washington Redskins 2001-2002, Nashville Sounds 2002-2004, Nashville Metros 2002-present, Medical Director Music City Marathon 2002-present, Wilson Central High School 2002-present, Mt. Juliet High School 2006-2008, Cumberland University 2002 & 2007-present, Trevecca University 2007-present, Tennessee Diamonds Fastpitch Softball 2010.
UCL Reconstruction in High School Baseball Players: Clinical Outcomes and Injury Risk Factors, Petty DH, Fleisig G, Cain EL, Andrews JR, Am J Sports Medicine 2004 32:1158 view article
Glenohumeral Chondrolysis After Shoulder Arthroscopy, Petty DH, Jazrawi L, Andrews JR, ASMI Birmingham, AL, Amer J Sports Med, March, 2004 view article
Isometry in ACL Reconstruction: The Importance of Matching Tibial and Femoral Tunnels Properly, Petty DH, ASMI, Birmingham, AL 2002
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Utilizing the Tibial Inlay Procedure: One to Five-Year Clinical Follow Up, 1999, Bergfeld J, Parker R, Petty DH Gastel J, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Mosaicplasty: Early Clinical Outcomes and MRI Appearance: Petty DH, Koh JL, Williams J, Recht M, Bergfeld J, submitted to J Arthroscopy for publication in 2003
Biomechanical Analysis of Osteochondral Autografts, 2001, Koh J, Begfeld J, Petty D, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Poster AAOS Research Day, 2002
Anterior Cervical Discectomy with and without Interbody Fusion: A Retrospective Study of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 1992, Petty DH, Perrin N, Tew J, Mayfield Neurological Associates
Clinical Outcomes of Double-Row Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repairs: Minimum 2-year Follow-up, Petty DH, Nashville, TN, ongoing
Rotational Stability of the Knee After Anatomic ACL Reconstruction, Petty DH, Nashville, TN, ongoing
Sensitivity of MRI in Detection of SLAP Lesions in the Community Setting, Petty DH, Nashville, TN
Glenohumeral Chondrolysis After Shoulder Arthroscopy, Petty DH, Jazrawi L, Andrews JR, ASMI Birmingham, AL, Amer J Sports Med, March, 2004 view article
Isometry in ACL Reconstruction: The Importance of Matching Tibial and Femoral Tunnels Properly, Petty DH, ASMI, Birmingham, AL 2002
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Utilizing the Tibial Inlay Procedure: One to Five-Year Clinical Follow Up, 1999, Bergfeld J, Parker R, Petty DH Gastel J, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Mosaicplasty: Early Clinical Outcomes and MRI Appearance: Petty DH, Koh JL, Williams J, Recht M, Bergfeld J, submitted to J Arthroscopy for publication in 2003
Biomechanical Analysis of Osteochondral Autografts, 2001, Koh J, Begfeld J, Petty D, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Poster AAOS Research Day, 2002
Anterior Cervical Discectomy with and without Interbody Fusion: A Retrospective Study of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 1992, Petty DH, Perrin N, Tew J, Mayfield Neurological Associates
Clinical Outcomes of Double-Row Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repairs: Minimum 2-year Follow-up, Petty DH, Nashville, TN, ongoing
Rotational Stability of the Knee After Anatomic ACL Reconstruction, Petty DH, Nashville, TN, ongoing
Sensitivity of MRI in Detection of SLAP Lesions in the Community Setting, Petty DH, Nashville, TN
MRI Appearance of Osteochondral Autografts, Residents and Fellows Arthroscopy Conference (AANA), Useppa Island, 2000
MRI Appearance of Osteochondral Autografts in the Knee and 2-Year Clinical Follow-up, AANA, Seattle, April, 2001
Clinical Outcomes of Mosaicplasty, International Cartilage Repair Society Conference, Toronto, June, 2002
Arthroscopic Decompression of the Spinoglenoid Notch Cyst, Injuries in Baseball, Birmingham, L, January, 2002
Ulnar Collateral Injury in Adolescent Baseball Players, Injuries in Baseball, Atlanta, GA, January, 2003
UCL Reconstruction in High School Athletes: Injury Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes, AAOS—AOSSM Specialty Day, New Orleans, LA, February, 2003
Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair, Orthopedic Learning Center Instructor, Chicago, IL, 2003
Advanced Surgical Techniques in the Upper Extremity, Tennessee Athletic Trainers Association, 2004 Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN
Treatment of Articular Cartilage Lesions in Combination with Other Soft Tissue Injury, American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meetings, February, 2004
Basic Science and Treatment of Articular Cartilage Lesions Across the Lifespan, American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meetings, February, 2004
The New Trend in Serious Injury in Young Throwers: The 100,000 Mile Arm, Youth Baseball Injury Prevention Conference, Nshville, TN 2006
ACL Reconstruction: 6 Current Issues, Belmont University School of Physical Therapy, 2006
Examination of the Athlete's Shoulder, National Athletic Trainer's Association Conference, Nashville, TN 2007
The Paperless Office: A Least-Cost Solution, ASMI Fellowship Conference, Birmingham, AL 2007
American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine, ICL Course Leader, Electronic Medical Record and the Paperless Office, Calgary, Canada, July 2007
Sideline Evaluation of the Injured Knee. Baptist Sports Medicine Conference, June 13, 2009, Nashville, TN
ACL Reconstruction ith 10 O'clock Femoral Tunnels: an in vivo study of tibial rotational stability. Tennessee Orthopedic Society Annual Meeting, September 18, 2009
Sensitivity of MRI in Detection of SLAP II-IV and Labrum Lesion in a Community Setting. AAOS Annual Meeting, February 18, 2011, San Diego, CA
MRI Appearance of Osteochondral Autografts in the Knee and 2-Year Clinical Follow-up, AANA, Seattle, April, 2001
Clinical Outcomes of Mosaicplasty, International Cartilage Repair Society Conference, Toronto, June, 2002
Arthroscopic Decompression of the Spinoglenoid Notch Cyst, Injuries in Baseball, Birmingham, L, January, 2002
Ulnar Collateral Injury in Adolescent Baseball Players, Injuries in Baseball, Atlanta, GA, January, 2003
UCL Reconstruction in High School Athletes: Injury Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes, AAOS—AOSSM Specialty Day, New Orleans, LA, February, 2003
Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair, Orthopedic Learning Center Instructor, Chicago, IL, 2003
Advanced Surgical Techniques in the Upper Extremity, Tennessee Athletic Trainers Association, 2004 Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN
Treatment of Articular Cartilage Lesions in Combination with Other Soft Tissue Injury, American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meetings, February, 2004
Basic Science and Treatment of Articular Cartilage Lesions Across the Lifespan, American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meetings, February, 2004
The New Trend in Serious Injury in Young Throwers: The 100,000 Mile Arm, Youth Baseball Injury Prevention Conference, Nshville, TN 2006
ACL Reconstruction: 6 Current Issues, Belmont University School of Physical Therapy, 2006
Examination of the Athlete's Shoulder, National Athletic Trainer's Association Conference, Nashville, TN 2007
The Paperless Office: A Least-Cost Solution, ASMI Fellowship Conference, Birmingham, AL 2007
American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine, ICL Course Leader, Electronic Medical Record and the Paperless Office, Calgary, Canada, July 2007
Sideline Evaluation of the Injured Knee. Baptist Sports Medicine Conference, June 13, 2009, Nashville, TN
ACL Reconstruction ith 10 O'clock Femoral Tunnels: an in vivo study of tibial rotational stability. Tennessee Orthopedic Society Annual Meeting, September 18, 2009
Sensitivity of MRI in Detection of SLAP II-IV and Labrum Lesion in a Community Setting. AAOS Annual Meeting, February 18, 2011, San Diego, CA
Total Quality Principles in Medicine, Orthopedic Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, October, 2000
Arthrofibrosis after ACL Reconstruction, Orthopedic Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, May, 2001
Ulnar Collateral Reconstruction in High School Baseball Players, Kerlan-Jobe Alumni Research Meeting, Guest Speaker, Los Angeles, June, 2002
Elbow Injuries in Throwing Athletes, Belmont University School of Physical Therapy, 2003
Bone Healing and Remodeling, Belmont University School of Physical Therapy, March, 2004
Chairperson, 2006 Injury Prevention in Youth Baseball and Softball, Nashville, TN
Arthrofibrosis after ACL Reconstruction, Orthopedic Grand Rounds, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, May, 2001
Ulnar Collateral Reconstruction in High School Baseball Players, Kerlan-Jobe Alumni Research Meeting, Guest Speaker, Los Angeles, June, 2002
Elbow Injuries in Throwing Athletes, Belmont University School of Physical Therapy, 2003
Bone Healing and Remodeling, Belmont University School of Physical Therapy, March, 2004
Chairperson, 2006 Injury Prevention in Youth Baseball and Softball, Nashville, TN
Tennis, Golf, Classical Music, Singing, Woodworking & Wood Refinishing
Author: The Dividend Investor, copyright 1992 (hardback) & 1995 (paperback), Probus Publishing, Chicago, IL; Book on Tape, 1995.
Author: The Dividend Investor, copyright 1992 (hardback) & 1995 (paperback), Probus Publishing, Chicago, IL; Book on Tape, 1995.